Dear Friends,
You may have noticed over the past year that I have not posted as regularly to this blog as I once did. I have struggled with finding the time to keep this up with my other responsibilities. After discussing this with several of my colleagues, I have decided to try again rather than give up. To that end, my technical support person at Calvin Seminary has advised that I move this blog to a different format. I anticipate making that move within the next week and to begin writing regularly again.
I hope to not only comment on various theological topics that seem timely, but also to begin to include a few more personal anecdotes and stories (some of which I have done in the past), and maybe even some practical ideas related to life in general, as the title suggests.
Thank you for reading this over the past number of years. I do hope you will sign up to continue to read my thoughts, comment on what I am sharing, and wonder together with me about Life, God, and Other Mysteries.
My new site (which is in the final stages of construction) is
Thanks again!